(My scary diary (don’t read alone) (also many boys use diaries it’s normal!!1!))

By Alex Missen (10/20) Dear Diary, I thought Mikey had just wet the top bunk again since there was a big stain I saw from underneath, but no, that was just his blood because he got decapitated. Sleepaway camp is rough, man. I went out to show camp counselor Jackie, who’s really cute for a …

Reading Summary Reflection

These Reading Summaries, in my opinion, served mainly as an auxiliary to the RWDs, in that, whereas the RWDs focused mainly on extracting the key point from the assigned reading, the Reading Summaries were meant to rephrase the main argument and the evidence the author used to support it. In this way, after analyzing a …

Reading Summary 5

In chapter two of Winning Arguments, titled “Political Arguments,” author Stanley Fish goes in depth on the state of modern politics, namely, why political discourse is often extremely polarizing.  The first reason Fish accredits for our divisive politics is the ever presence of spin agents: that is to say, orators who attempt to make their …
